Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Postal Service; More Government Run Amuck!

So the U. S. Postal Service says it could go bankrupt. Sure e-mail has certainly changed the way we communicate and people just aren't mailing letters like they used to. But consider FedEX and UPS, private enterprise that has made a business out of delivering hard goods.

Where did the USPS go wrong? Perhaps they live in the past ensnared in a bureaucratic culture that either refuses or lacks the ability to adapt to the day.
You want to cut costs? Just a couple of thoughts. Why does the Postal Service commission all of these stamps? I mean, it's nice, but do we need to promote this cause and honor that individual. Call me a simpleton, but won't a simple flag stamp get the letter to it's destination just as quickly. I mean, we don't see FedEX designing new mailing boxes each month and giving us a choice when we head to their office. "Would you like the 'Scarlet Pansy Box' or perhaps the 'Take Your Pet To Work' container?" No, its the purple, orange and white box or nothing. And while we're on the subject. I know it's not what's causing the downfall of the U.S. mail (or is it) but tell me, am I the only one or do you find it hard to believe that anyone actually looks forward each Christmas to buying that ugly commemorative Postal Service Icon Christmas Ball. Or how many of us walk into the post office and walk out with the cuddly little post office stuffed bear or bronze embossed USPS key chain. And do they really need to be selling tiny postal trucks for the thousands of kids who shop at the Post Office? Come on. Government... and they wonder why we've had it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Rest Of The Story

He would greet us with the trademark "Hello Americans..... Staaaannnd by for News!!" When broadcast legend Paul Harvey past away this weekend, so too did a radio era. He was the last of a generation of journalists who had that unique ability to paint a picture in the minds eye with nothing but carefully crafted words and a technique that set Harvey apart from the rest, the masterful use of the inflection, the intonation, the.... pause. No one in broadcasting could wrap his arms around a story like Paul Harvey.

From the time I was in high school and knew I wanted to make a living at this craft, Paul Harvey proved an inspiration. I would wait with great anticipation to hear his news and comment as well as his Rest Of The Story broadcasts. It was a privilege to one day host my own talk show with the Rest Of The Story as my lead-in. I had the honor of meeting Mr. Harvey in person at a Radio Television News Directors convention in San Antonio, Texas in 1991. He addressed us all and I listened as a grandson would at the knee of his grandfather. I hinged on each word, each exhortation, each challenge to get it right as journalists and to maintain a standard worthy of the calling.
He once said of his unique style that as a young broadcaster that he tried to imitate someone else until his boss gave him this advice. If you try to be like someone else, the best you can ever hope for is second best. Be your own person. Good advise that I took to heart early on in my own career.
I admired so much about the man, but probably nothing more than his ability throughout his career to remain unchanged by fame, fortune and popularity. He was at his death, the same grounded individual who got into the business as a young high schooler in 1933. Paul Harvey was a man of high ideals, true integrity and deep faith. In a world where it's not always popular to share that faith, Paul Harvey never shied away from that important part of his life. As my sister so appropriately put it in an e-mail to me upon his passing, "Now Paul Harvey does really know . . . the rest of the story."
Rest in peace, Mr. Harvey. Job well done. . . . . . . Good Day!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

It Got Me Thinking

     I stumbled across a video on You Tube this morning that caused me to turn a little introspective I suppose.  The majority of the piece is made up of photographs of what we can only imagine to be family members through the years, exteriors of homes, landscapes and such. But what it brought to my mind is how brief life really is and if we are not careful, it will pass us by and we won't even realize the moments we missed.  Each of us has been given one life; no dress rehearsal.  This is the real deal and I don't know about you but I want to drink it in to its fullest with no regrets.  

      The message this weekend by Pastor Tim Chambers at Shore Fellowship was all about finding balance in life.  The truth is when you find that balance, you'll be less likely to miss what really matters. 
      It's fun to look back at photographs that mark the milestones and moments of your life.  But even more rewarding, is the ability we are given with that glance of an image to recall sounds and smells, laughter and tears as we are immediately taken in our minds eye to that moment in time. 
      A wise man by the name of Jim tells us that our life is only a vapor.  Here for a moment and then it vanishes just like the morning fog.  Jim reminds us to major on the important things in life and realize where each breath comes from to begin with.  
     Does any of this make sense to you?  I don't know; I saw this video and it just got me thinking.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Make The Call

     As I urged on my radio show audience today, contact your Senators and Congressman and express your thoughts on the stimulus package.  Although we in New Jersey already know how our representatives intend to vote,  we still need to let them know how we feel about that vote.

Did you hear that NY Senator Charles Schumer said yesterday: "The American people really don't care" in reference to all the pork in this bill.  Oh, really.  Let's show him we do.

Here are phone numbers for you to leave your comments:

Sen. Frank Lautenberg  (202) 224-3224
Sen. Robert Menendez (202) 224-4744
Representative Frank Lobiondo (202) 225-6572

Take the five minutes to voice your concerns and comments.  

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Little Lamb

     I'm awaken at 4 this morning by the soft whisper and warm breath of my 3 1/2 year old.  I'm startled at first as I opened my eyes to this little person, concerned look on her face, standing before me in her soft, polka dot sleeper.  "I can't find my lamb Daddy."  "Let's go look.  I'll find it for you," as I stumbled out of bed and followed down the hall.  

     There it was right under her bed where it fell.  (She had made a point to tell me earlier as I said good night that tonight she was going to snuggle her little lamb.)  Now, as I handed her this tiny stuffed animal she looked up at me, "Thanks", she whispered as I tucked her in.  "Night, Daddy... don't let the bed bugs bite."  She smiled and closed her eyes.  
     As I walked out of her room, down the hall and back to bed the parable of the lost sheep came to mind.  Jesus tells the story of the shepherd who had a hundred sheep and one of them got lost.  He says when that happened, didn't the shepherd leave the ninety-nine and go look for the one.  And when he found it, he returned and rejoiced.  Jesus goes on to tell us that that is how God looks on us when we who are lost come to Him.  
     Even in the middle of the night, startled out of a sound sleep, how could I as a father not respond to my little girl who's little lamb was missing.  In the same way, our heavenly Father is ready to respond.  All He is waiting for is for us to come to Him and share our concerns and burdens.  
     As my head hit the pillow, I smiled to myself as I thought of how much comfort I brought my child.  God wants to do the same for each one of us if we'll let Him.   I hope that thought comforts you today.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

His Priorities Scare Me

     Did you read in The Times of London ; out of all the pressing issues on the desk of the new President, when he could have reached out to anyone during the opening hours of his first full day in office, we learn that the very first "world leader" Barack Obama apparently called was Palestinian President Abbas.  Are you serious?  I'm telling you, as I said over and over during the campaign, there is a lot of truth to the old saying, You are known by the company you keep.  When this guy is the first "leader" you reach out to, I say watch out!

     While I'm speaking out, doesn't it scare you that in the words of The Times, "Even before he got to work yesterday, the new Administration had halted all military trials of terror suspects at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba." Not only that, the President is expected to sign an executive order today that will close the camp within a year.  The reason, get this: “to further the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States and the interests of justice”.  How does shutting down Gitmo further national security?  Remember some of these 'detainees' have openly praised the actions of 9/11 and said how proud they are of that day.  If someone can explain how releasing these thugs furthers national security and foreign policy interests, please!!  We are living in dangerous times.  I said to a friend, I can't believe he's doing these things especially with so many other pressing issues at hand.  My friend said, "why not? It shouldn't surprise you in the least."  
     Meanwhile, the Drive-by Media, Washington insiders and so many others across the country are still euphoric over all the hope and change.  I say, be very careful what you ask for.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Am Inspired!

     I'm inspired this morning!  Not by a new President, but by what he represents.  And it's not what you think.  I'm not talking about the politics of it all.  For the most part, I don't agree with the policies of this administration (although I want to give him a chance).  I'm talking about something different.  When I woke this morning, I couldn't help but imagine what Mr Obama was thinking as his feet hit the floor for the first time in the White House; as he watched the brilliant sun rise out his window.  He walks down the hall.  "Good Morning, Mr. President."  "How are feeling this morning, Mr. President".  He opens the door to the oval office and for the first time, sits behind the desk.  Wow!  "Here we go", he must think.  He is off and running.  

    There is something about newness, fresh starts and clean slates.  Sure there is much on his plate (more I dare say than on any of ours).  But nevertheless at least for this morning there is an ability to tackle the tasks before him with fresh eyes.
     So, from where does my inspiration come?  It's in this.  This morning, though you and I may not be new to our roles, we still have the ability to start fresh.  We too can look at the world around us as if for the first time.  It was Jesus who said, "I have come to make all things new."  We can look to Him for the guidance, wisdom, strength and inspiration to inspire and impact our own world around us.  If each of us could for a single moment grasp the concept that we have the ability to affect change in our world, we'd turn things upside down!.
    So this morning . . . be inspired by the fact that YOU can approach each day with the knowledge that you too can inspire, lead, impact and affect change right where you are; right where God has planted you!!
     I close my radio show each afternoon by reminding my listeners to go out and make a difference.  Do it!  Be the difference maker right where you are today.  Then write to me and let me know how you are impacting your world.  I'd love to hear from you. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tonights Show

One of my guests tonight from 6 -7 over WOND 1400 AM, Former Palestinian terrorist Walid Shoebat. Check it out over the air on on the web at

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Let's Never Forget - Say A Prayer Today

This morning at 8:45 as I sat in the parking lot of a convenience story, I looked around me and saw people walking in and out, checking out at the counter, getting gasoline for their cars, most I'm sure not giving a second thought as to the significance of the moment.  At that very minute 7 years ago, the first airplane crashed into the World Trade Center setting off a series of events that day which would forever alter our world and how we see it.  As painful as it is (for family and friends of victims especially), we need to see that video again and again of what took place on that day.  We should never forget or allow anyone else to forget or minimize the attack that occurred not only on this country, but freedom loving people everywhere.  Thank God we have not seen another day like that since September 11, 2001, but that does not mean there are not evil, terrible monster still out there who wish us harm.  We must remain vigilant, not let down our guard and be willing to stand up and fight for what is good and decent.  

Encouraging news today out of the New York Times that President Bush secretly approved orders in July that for the first time allow American Special Operations forces to carry out ground assaults inside Pakistan without the prior approval of the Pakistani government.  Hopefully this will lead to bringing Bin Laden and others to justice.  Will it stop terrorism and the on-going threat?  No, but it is a step in the right direction.  If this nation is to remain free, it is imperative that the next President and Congress live up to their Constitutional responsibilities to protect and defend us or we will most certainly crumble as a country.

Sometime today, take a few minutes to reflect on the horrific day 7 years ago determined to do all in your power to hold government accountable to insure it will never happen again.  And do one other thing as well.  Pray for our nation, continued protection and for the families who's loved ones paid the ultimate price. 

Take a look at this video as well.  This is an interview I conducted and used in a worship service at Shore Fellowship Church in Egg Harbor Township.  It puts a real personal face on the events of that terrible day.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin Pick - Smart Move

John McCain's choice for the VP spot on the GOP ticket is a very smart move. Sarah Palin, the current governor of Alaska solidifies the still wavering Conservative base, she comes from a state with a first hand interest in and the means to help solve the energy challenge, she's articulate and she totally negates the Joe Biden Democratic VP choice. Biden, who was chosen for among other reasons his pit bull, attack dog style simply can not use this style when debating Palin. It won't work. He'll come off like a grumpy old man lashing out at a woman. There are a myriad of other reasons why Palin is a smart choice. She is as far from a Washington insider as you can get, she was 8 years old when Joe Biden first entered Washington (so much for Obama moving in a fresh new direction) and in her short tenure as Alaska's Chief Executive Officer, Sarah Palin has a track record of taking on big government and saving taxpayer dollars. Sure, she doesn't have a deep resume but neither does Obama. And then there is the Hillary factor. I'm sure the McCain campaign is banking on disenfranchised women voters to make the jump out of their frustration with Barrack Obama. It is going to be an amazing race for the White House. The Jeff Whitaker Show will be on top of the daily discussion Monday through Thursday nights at 6 on WOND. See you on the radio next week with coverage of the Republican National Convention. We'll be running a best of show Monday (Labor Day) and then back life and ready to go Tuesday night at 6. Spread the word for the best election talk in town. 

PS. Last night when Barrack Obama addressed the Democratic Conventioneers one of his lines talked about Republicans offering the same old, same old and that real change doesn't come from Washington but to Washington.... Hummmmm, Obama is a sitting Senator as his Biden and now with the introduction of Sarah Palin in the mix Obama might want to rethink his rhetoric. You think?