Friday, August 31, 2007

Day Five

I am including a video in todays blog. In many ways it's hard to believe that the week is over after so much anticipation. God has been so merciful during this experience. If you've read Sharon's entries on our CarePage and my entries here, you know that my treatment went great. Today was a long day, as you will hear in my video blog. I was quite a bit tired earlier this evening, took a nap before dinner but other than that, I finished my 5 day treatment this afternoon and then stopped by to our Chiropractor (Richard Klingert) on our way home. I am confident his chiropractic and lazer treatment has made a difference in my physical preparation for this weeklong treatment. I've also taken advantage of Homeopathic treatment as well as extensive use of supplements and vitamins. I really believe the preparation going into this week has meant so much. By far, as I look back it's evident the prayers of so many is however the key.
So with that I ask you to continue your prayers in the days and weeks to come as I look by faith for healing from the HCL.

This experience has really opened my eyes to hurts and needs of others I have seen around me who are not as fortunate has I have been. It continues to be a time of growth in my life to say the least. I will continue to post progress and updates withe hopes of encouraging others in their faith and perhaps even be able to attract others who may be going through similar challenges.

I leave you tonight with this passage from the end of Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians in the New Testiment beginning in Chapter 1, verse 11:

"With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. 12We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ."

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Day Four

Feeling a little tired this evening, but I guess that is the least that can be expected. Just another all around good day of treatment. A little slow getting started this morning. My nurses told me the Chemo I am taking is flown up by courier from Florida. When I got to the treatment center they said the delivery had not yet come. After about 45 minutes to an hour it arrived and a two day supply at that, which will get me through the final day tomorrow. I asked the nurses what would have happened if it hadn't arrived, since I am on a five day consecutive treatment plan. They said they were wondering the same thing. But it all worked out. Thank the Lord.

By the time my treatment ended it was time to rush out to the blood center to get my blood drawn for testing in preparation for tomorrows transfusion, which I have to get in addition to the Chemo. It will no doubt be a long day, but I remain so grateful that this week has gone so well.

The prayers and encouragement of so many family and friends continues to mean so much. As we've said so often this week, we had prepared for the possibility of a much different week than it has been. Our God gets all the credit for the way it has turned out.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Day Three

Each day I am continually amazed at God's grace through this ordeal. Again, another day of treatment (now over half way through) and I feel none of the possible side effects I was forewarned of. As I sit each day and receive my treatment, watch and hear some of the stories of others at the Cancer treatment center, I am so grateful to God for His grace in my situation. God only knows for certain why I am called to go through this, but one thing is becoming increasingly clear to me as each day passes. For me, this whole season in my life and in the life of my family has meant spiritual growth, a time to count our blessings and renew ourselves to make the very most of each day. It has shown us the love of God's people, our family and friends and the overwhelming power of prayer. I can share with you that scores of people literally around the world have taken our requests before God. That alone is such a comfort and humbling at the same time.

My blood levels have gone down again some (as they were expected to do) and with the long holiday weekend ahead, the doctor wants me to get another transfusion this Friday. As for the Chemo treatment, hopefully Friday will be the last and anywhere from two to six or seven weeks, I should see my levels return to normal.

I am taking one day at a time and am still told I could feel the fatique and after effects a couple of weeks down the road. I'm ok with that and trust that as I said a couple of days ago, God has already gone ahead where I will be and I leave all of that in His hands.

Thank you to all who have stopped by here and at Sharon's carepage that she set up. Many of you are coming back regularly to view the entries and still others of you have shared such kind and comforting words in the comment section. If you havent' checked out the site yet, you can do so by simply logging into and opening a free account. When you do, you will then sign in and go the the carepage named jeffwhitaker2007 . Day Four tomorrow!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Day Two

Monday, August 27, 2007

Day One

With Sharon by my side, we stopped by our Chiropractor on the way to treatment. He adjusted me and used cutting edge laser technology that helps build up and repair cellular tissue. It is a holistic treatment I've taken advantage of for quite some time and the results are great. I've spent the time since first learning of my ailment to really build up my immune system with supplements along with homeopathic treatment. I want to take advantage of every thing that is available to fight this Cancer.

From there we went straight to the Cancer Treatment Center. They could not have been more accommodating. The treatment itself is a form of Chemotherapy called 2-CDA. It is a treatment for Hairy Cell Leukemia that has been used successfully since the early 90's. Before the 2-CDA, they gave me some anti-nausia medicine and a type of steroid (all of this intravenously). I've opted for a five day in a row, 2 hour a day treatment that lasts for one week. After that they continually monitor my blood levels and see where it goes from there. Usually, one round of treatment is enough to put it in remission.

I'm grateful to have such support from family and friends. It was great to have my wife right by my side during the treatment and she has been a such a comfort and support during this time.

As for my reaction on Day One? I really don't feel any different. Wasn't sure what to expect and so far I feel normal. Tired tonight but no more so than usual. The nurses say it could be a couple of weeks before my blood count may dip before it rises again. That could bring with it fatigue to some extent. We just don't know yet. So, that was my first day. Four more to go. Thanks again for your prayers and support. I'll have another update tomorrow and you can also check out a CarePage Sharon set up at The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania website where she is keeping a daily log as well from her perspective. The address is: Once there, you can follow the instructions for setting up a free account and logging on to our page. You are looking to sign in an account you create and go to

jeffwhitaker2007 .

More tomorrow. God is good!!

The Next 5 Days

Last week at this time my family and I were just beginning what would be a great week of vacation in Sunny South Carolina. I'll write more about that in a future post. ( I decided to consciously take a break from the computer last week to enjoy my time with family, so I've got some catching up to do on the blog).

As for this week, it's a different story. The vacation is over and time for my much anticipated treatment for the Hairy Cell Leukemia. We've decided to go with the one week, five day treatment as opposed to spreading it out, once a week for 7 weeks. I am anxious to begin. I've been told what to expect; feeling tired, maybe a fever, risk of catching a cold or something like that and maybe some unsettling in my stomach. Other than that, my doctors say this week begins the road to remission. I'll keep you posted each day as to my progress. I do so much appreciate and covet your prayers for me and my family. I really believe it's through the power of prayer and a deep faith that we are able to move through this stage in our families life. So many of you have expressed to me your thoughts and prayers and I can't begin to tell you how much that means. I'll keep you posted. Its such a comfort to know that as uncertain as we are as to where the week with take me, our God has been there already and He knows. What a relief.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Milestones And Legacies

My Mother is turning 80. (She's the one to the far left in the picture. One of three daughters seen here with their Mother.) We had a special party with family and friends this past Sunday. I don't know about you, but for me family gatherings and special occasions like these cause me to reflect a lot. If I wax a little nostalgic and sentimental, please forgive me. As I watched a memory picture montage play to the music of Paul Anka and The Times Of Your Life, I couldn't help but think about all the people, places and events in our lives that shape who we are today. Pictures of my Mom's family growing up on a rural farm during the Great Depression only remind me of the values that were instilled in her. Values that she in turn passed down to me and my sister. The pictures of my sister and me as children, photo's of my Dad (who passed away when I was barely 15), they send a flood of memories and for me they are all happy. I wish so much that my Dad were here today to see the fruit of the times he spent and the love he shared that helped shape the person I have become today. And I wish he could have met my wife and got to know his grandkids. But somehow I believe God knows this and will one day make it all up.

I realize for some, growing up isn't something they remember fondly. Thankfully for me and my sister, we remember a household filled with love, laughter and good times.

Much of what I draw on today as a husband, father and friend had its beginnings indirectly in those tinted family photos of the farmhouse in the 1930's. Much of values instilled and ingrained into my very soul are values my parents passed on. As we celebrated my Mom's milestone, I can only pray that my wife and children will have such pleasant memories of our home and growing together as a family. We all leave a legacy to future generations.

Fortunately, I have a pleasant past and good memories to draw on as I build a legacy for my family. I realize we are all not as fortunate. While none of us can do anything about the past, we can all do something about the present and the future. What kind of legacy will you leave.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Moving Forward

Well, the doctors have made it official. The Hospital at the University of Pa. agree that I do indeed have Hairy Cell Leukemia (HSL). So, now its time for the treatment. We're talking one week (five days straight) of Chemo. The word is that this one treatment in a vast majority of the cases will put this disease in full remission, a statistic I am very thankful for. I feel fine and am looking with anticipation at going through the treatment. I'm set to begin two Mondays from tomorrow. There are supposedly little side effects. Throughout this whole challenge, my wife and I have had such a peace about this phase in my life and the life of our family. It may sound trite, but to have the peace that the God of the universe knows all about each one of us and cares so much, makes all the difference in the world. The Bible tells us of a peace that passes all understanding and we as a family can testify to the reality of that assurance.

Later this week I want to tell you about a family party we had today for my Mom who is turning 80. It was a great time of looking back, laughing, choking on a few tears and counting our blessings. Until tomorrow.....

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Have Patience

The doctors need until tomorrow to reach that all important second opinion we are looking for in regard to my diagnosis. But that means that if they do indeed find it is Hairy Cell Leukemia, because of other circumstances, I'll have to wait another couple of weeks to start treatment. I'm fine with that and my doctors say there is no urgency to start right away. I really do want to get this all behind me, but God is teaching me everything in His timing. My favorite passage in the Bible is found in the book of Isaiah, chapter 40. The text ends .... but those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount with wings like eagles. They will run and not be weary. They will walk and not faint. Take the time to read the entire chapter. It really has a way of putting everything in life in perspective and realizing how small we are in comparison to our great God who watches over us.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

His Head Is In The Sand

I'm really sick and tired of hearing about former VP Al Gore and his silly global warming campaign. His latest rant is that there is very little disagreement over whether global warming actually exists and that any disagreement that is out there is created and funded almost entirely by polluters.

There are plenty of scientists around the globe who have very serious questions regarding the issue of global warming. Why aren't they being heard by the mainstream media, because there is a larger agenda here and it is a political one. I'm sure many in the global warming camp are sincere in their concern for our planet the belief that something is indeed going wacky with our climate, but they need to be exposed to the mountain of evidence that raises very serious questions about the agenda Mr. Gore and others are trying to push down the throats of the rest of us. Do a search, look for yourself and you'll find plenty of counter arguments to refute the left wing bunch. Start with this article @

Cover your ears Mr. Gore... La, La, La, La . . . I can't hear a thing. Like an ostrich with his head in the sand, don't confuse me with the facts thank you, I'd rather go on believing that we're all about to melt off the planet. By the way, isn't this the same crew that 30 years ago tried to convince us we were on the brink of an ice age? If anything is contributing to a rise in temperatures, it's all the hot air coming from the left. Or so it seems to me.

Monday, August 6, 2007

I'm Learning Faith and Patience

Well, the doctors are pretty certain I have something called HCL or Hairy Cell Leukemia. They say if there is any kind of leukemia to have, this is it. It is not acute. That means they can treat it and in a vast majority of the cases it goes into remission for life. Thank you Lord. These past weeks have been a real growing experience for me and my wife. It is an ongoing process. While the doctors are nearly certain this is the diagnosis, we are still awaiting a second opinion from the University of Pennsylvania. There had been a delay in getting some slides to them and hopefully this week they will let us know for sure if it is HCL and if so, I will be begin what is only a 5 day treatment next week. God is good and through this has allowed us as a family to be an encouragement to others going through tough and uncertain times. I'll keep you posted on my progress and welcome your comments or questions.