Thursday, January 22, 2009

His Priorities Scare Me

     Did you read in The Times of London ; out of all the pressing issues on the desk of the new President, when he could have reached out to anyone during the opening hours of his first full day in office, we learn that the very first "world leader" Barack Obama apparently called was Palestinian President Abbas.  Are you serious?  I'm telling you, as I said over and over during the campaign, there is a lot of truth to the old saying, You are known by the company you keep.  When this guy is the first "leader" you reach out to, I say watch out!

     While I'm speaking out, doesn't it scare you that in the words of The Times, "Even before he got to work yesterday, the new Administration had halted all military trials of terror suspects at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba." Not only that, the President is expected to sign an executive order today that will close the camp within a year.  The reason, get this: “to further the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States and the interests of justice”.  How does shutting down Gitmo further national security?  Remember some of these 'detainees' have openly praised the actions of 9/11 and said how proud they are of that day.  If someone can explain how releasing these thugs furthers national security and foreign policy interests, please!!  We are living in dangerous times.  I said to a friend, I can't believe he's doing these things especially with so many other pressing issues at hand.  My friend said, "why not? It shouldn't surprise you in the least."  
     Meanwhile, the Drive-by Media, Washington insiders and so many others across the country are still euphoric over all the hope and change.  I say, be very careful what you ask for.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Am Inspired!

     I'm inspired this morning!  Not by a new President, but by what he represents.  And it's not what you think.  I'm not talking about the politics of it all.  For the most part, I don't agree with the policies of this administration (although I want to give him a chance).  I'm talking about something different.  When I woke this morning, I couldn't help but imagine what Mr Obama was thinking as his feet hit the floor for the first time in the White House; as he watched the brilliant sun rise out his window.  He walks down the hall.  "Good Morning, Mr. President."  "How are feeling this morning, Mr. President".  He opens the door to the oval office and for the first time, sits behind the desk.  Wow!  "Here we go", he must think.  He is off and running.  

    There is something about newness, fresh starts and clean slates.  Sure there is much on his plate (more I dare say than on any of ours).  But nevertheless at least for this morning there is an ability to tackle the tasks before him with fresh eyes.
     So, from where does my inspiration come?  It's in this.  This morning, though you and I may not be new to our roles, we still have the ability to start fresh.  We too can look at the world around us as if for the first time.  It was Jesus who said, "I have come to make all things new."  We can look to Him for the guidance, wisdom, strength and inspiration to inspire and impact our own world around us.  If each of us could for a single moment grasp the concept that we have the ability to affect change in our world, we'd turn things upside down!.
    So this morning . . . be inspired by the fact that YOU can approach each day with the knowledge that you too can inspire, lead, impact and affect change right where you are; right where God has planted you!!
     I close my radio show each afternoon by reminding my listeners to go out and make a difference.  Do it!  Be the difference maker right where you are today.  Then write to me and let me know how you are impacting your world.  I'd love to hear from you.