Saturday, September 22, 2007

Have We Forgotten The Alamo?

“Remember the Alamo”, a mantra taught to Texans and found in history books in classrooms across the United States. (If you’re not familiar, its the idea that proud Americans who fell at the hands of the Mexicans at the Alamo in San Antonio must never forget that defeat and the price soldiers and freedom fighters paid from the legendary Davie Crockett to Colonel William Travis and Jim Bowie all of whom lost their lives in that battle of 1836).

Well, apparently a lot of educators ( or those who control education) in Austin, Texas, San Diego, California, Yakima, Washington and now the state of Oregon have forgotten. It seems The Oregon Department of Education and Mexico’s Secretariat of Public Education are discussing aligning their curricula so course taught will be valid in both countries. You heard it right, not only have we decided to turn our heads and use United States citizens taxpayer dollars to educate illegal aliens, now your tax dollars will be used to introduce Mexican school curriculum in our public schools. The reason, to assist hispanic students. Tim King who is the director of Clackamas Middle College and Clackamas Web Academy says "Students come to us with such complex issues. "We've had to change in order to fit into each school scene, become more complex and open ourselves up to new situations."

Now Oregon officials simply say the approach is intended as a supplement to keep students learning in Spanish while also gaining English skills. I say, you want to learn Spanish take a foreign language course. Anything beyond that, (now I know this may sound harsh) But GO BACK TO MEXICO! What is happening to to culture in our country.

Until now, Oregon school districts generally have relied on bilingual aides or used Spanish material different from the English material others are studying.

Patrick Burk, chief policy officer with the superintendent's office of the Oregon Department of Education says that’s not enough. He said the idea is minimal disruption for immigrant Latinos. What about minimal disruption for immigrants from Italy or France, Japan or a Muslim country. Oh, I forgot, a school district in New York City has already taken care of that. Did you hear about the PUBLIC school in New York that uses public tax dollars to fund an all Muslim public school? Do you think we would stand a prayer of having a taxpayer funded all Christian public school. Not on your life.

We are in serious trouble if you haven’t figured this out already. A philosophy is overtaking this country that has already at best weakened us as a nation and will in the near future if someone does not stand up and stop it, destroy the very fabric of the United States Of America. I welcome your thoughts and comments and be sure to participate in our on-line poll. I want to know what you think.

Look for an upcoming interview on the demise of our culture through the liberal infiltration of public school system or go to and sign up for my newsletter. I’ll send you an e-alert when the interview is up and running.


trekden said...

Boy, that Poll is looking pretty one sided there.

Barb said...

I agree with you Jeff. Things won't change until we (the silent majority?) start speaking out against what is eventually going to destroy this country. It is sort of like being a parent. It takes more of the parent's time to discipline a child and explain to them why they can't do certain things than it does to just give in. Our nation right now seems to be the parent who just gives in and we will have raised a spoiled child who doesn't know right from wrong. We need to ask questions on what the long term affects are going to be when government makes policy. We can't keep living in the now and not worry about the consequences for the future.