The recent poll conducted on this blog asked the question: Should U.S. Public Schools align their curriculum to that of Mexican education standards? 100% of the respondents said NO. The poll was initiated in light of my blog entry of last week, "Remember The Alamo".
I know the majority of the readers to this blog probably lean more to the Conservative side of politics. However, that being said, I strongly feel that the majority of everyday you and me citizens of this country feel the same way. This is the United States of America; a melting pot made up of people from all cultures, backgrounds, creeds and colors. But the fact is over the 200 plus years of this countries history, we have evolved into a culture all our own. We are a melting pot. That means that immigrants, brought some of their own customs and traditions to "The New World", but they have not tried to turn the United States into their native country. they melted into our unique culture.
We are not Mexico. Spanish is not our primary language and it's time some politicians with a little spine spoke and up (in English) and laid it out the way it needs to be laid out. If you want to live in a Mexican culture or Muslim-style society, maybe this isn't the place for you. We welcome many of your traditions and customs, but don't try to turn the United States of America into Mexico City or Tehran.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Listen To The People
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Saturday, September 29, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Culture, Education, Patriotism, Politics
Friday, September 28, 2007
Podcast Update
My podcast is up and fully functioning now. It's great to be back in the swing of doing interviews again. From politics to culture to authors as well as issues of all interests, I hope you'll check it out. . I just conducted more interviews today that will be posted soon. If you stop by the website, I'd appreciate your feedback and I hope you'll sign up for my Insider Club Newsletter and I'll update you everytime I post a new newsletter, plus special interviews reserved for Insider Club members and membership is FREE and easy to sign up for.
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Friday, September 28, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Podcasts
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Latest Blood Tests
Got my weekly blood check up and everything is pretty much running its course. Not much change with the exception of my hemoglobin levels which are the highest they've been since i went into the hospital. The latest readings are 10.3, still below where they should be and the numbers are higher in large part to the blood transfusion I got last Friday. My doctor remains encouraged about my progress and says real upward number changes could still take time. She said this was slow in coming; it could be slow in correcting itself. Thank you for your continued prayers and concern.
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Thursday, September 27, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Cancer, Hairy Cell Leukemia, HCL, Health, Personal
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Strangled By Correctness
The latest Quinnipiac University Presidential Poll says its Rudy and Hillary on top here in New Jersey. The two are locked in a tight matchup with 45 percent for Mayor Giuliani and 44 percent for Sen. Clinton, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. This compares to a 47 - 44 percent Giuliani lead July 5.
New Jersey voters say 56 - 27 percent that Giuliani makes decisions based on his principles rather than on what the voters think is best. Voters say 42 - 41 percent that Clinton votes based on voter opinion rather than her principles, the independent poll finds.
Anything can happen between now and the NJ primary, but one thing is certain. The Republican Presidential contenders must do something to differentiate themselves from their fellow GOP leaders on Capital Hill. Is it just me or do the two major parties seem increasingly similar. Sure, in their rhetoric they sound different. But when it comes down to it, they seem more similar than different.
We have become so strangled by political correctness, focus groups and poll numbers that few statesmen and women are on the scene. Why is that so many of us everyday run of the mill citizens can see so plainly the challenges that face our country domestically and on the foreign scene, but the politicians who should be more plugged in don't.
I think they do see the same things we see, they just lack the courage to speak up and do something. I say if a candidate emerged from either party who got past all of the spin and couching of words, that man or woman could take the country from storm and find an army of supporters right behind him or her.
Where is the Ronald Reagan of today? We need you now more than ever.
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Wednesday, September 26, 2007 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
We Had Him In Our Sight
Remember just after 9/11 and we found out as a country that on at least one occasion we could have taken out Bin Laden. We missed the opportunity and history tells us the price we've paid. I only hope that 3 to 5 years from now we won't be saying the same about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. There is strong evidence to show that Mahmoud was very much involved in the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979. By the way, no one has ever been brought to justice for that act of terrorism. My friend, columnist and former New York Congressman John LeBoutillier writes about that and more in his recent column @ "The Boots' Blasts". You can also check out my interview with John on my podcast @ We talk about Ahmadinejad and his visit to the United States.
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Tuesday, September 25, 2007 0 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Have We Forgotten The Alamo?
“Remember the Alamo”, a mantra taught to Texans and found in history books in classrooms across the United States. (If you’re not familiar, its the idea that proud Americans who fell at the hands of the Mexicans at the Alamo in San Antonio must never forget that defeat and the price soldiers and freedom fighters paid from the legendary Davie Crockett to Colonel William Travis and Jim Bowie all of whom lost their lives in that battle of 1836).
Well, apparently a lot of educators ( or those who control education) in Austin, Texas, San Diego, California, Yakima, Washington and now the state of Oregon have forgotten. It seems The Oregon Department of Education and Mexico’s Secretariat of Public Education are discussing aligning their curricula so course taught will be valid in both countries. You heard it right, not only have we decided to turn our heads and use United States citizens taxpayer dollars to educate illegal aliens, now your tax dollars will be used to introduce Mexican school curriculum in our public schools. The reason, to assist hispanic students. Tim King who is the director of Clackamas Middle College and Clackamas Web Academy says "Students come to us with such complex issues. "We've had to change in order to fit into each school scene, become more complex and open ourselves up to new situations."
Now Oregon officials simply say the approach is intended as a supplement to keep students learning in Spanish while also gaining English skills. I say, you want to learn Spanish take a foreign language course. Anything beyond that, (now I know this may sound harsh) But GO BACK TO MEXICO! What is happening to to culture in our country.
Until now, Oregon school districts generally have relied on bilingual aides or used Spanish material different from the English material others are studying.
Patrick Burk, chief policy officer with the superintendent's office of the Oregon Department of Education says that’s not enough. He said the idea is minimal disruption for immigrant Latinos. What about minimal disruption for immigrants from Italy or France, Japan or a Muslim country. Oh, I forgot, a school district in New York City has already taken care of that. Did you hear about the PUBLIC school in New York that uses public tax dollars to fund an all Muslim public school? Do you think we would stand a prayer of having a taxpayer funded all Christian public school. Not on your life.
We are in serious trouble if you haven’t figured this out already. A philosophy is overtaking this country that has already at best weakened us as a nation and will in the near future if someone does not stand up and stop it, destroy the very fabric of the United States Of America. I welcome your thoughts and comments and be sure to participate in our on-line poll. I want to know what you think.
Look for an upcoming interview on the demise of our culture through the liberal infiltration of public school system or go to and sign up for my newsletter. I’ll send you an e-alert when the interview is up and running.
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Saturday, September 22, 2007 2 comments
Labels: Culture, Education, History, Patriotism, Politics
Friday, September 21, 2007
MoveOn - Hillary, Chris & Barack
No doubt you heard about the U.S. Senate vote which overwhelmingly denounced an ad that appeared in the New York Times sponsored by the radical, left wing group, The ad was headlined: “General Petraeus or General Betray Us? Cooking the books for the White House.”
I just wanted to make sure you knew that while 72 Senators voted to condemn the ad, two of the Senators who want to be your next President refused to condemn it. Surprise , surprise . . . they are Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Senator Christopher Dodd. How about Senator Barack Obama, well he just didn’t vote at all, although he cast another vote only a few minutes before.
Are these the kind of “leaders” we want in the role of Commander In Chief? I think not.
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Friday, September 21, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Democrats, Patriotism, Politics, Presidential Race, War
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Moving Forward
Went to the doctors for my weekly visit. The platelets are up, white blood cells are up however the hemoglobin is down which means I need another blood transfusion. My doctor again reminded me that I am very vulnerable to infection and fever because of the low white count and that it could last for up to two years. I'm feeling alittle tired; I'm sure its the blood count. So, I should be better after the transfusion tomorrow. She is very happy with my progress. I was told it could be up to 6 or 7 weeks before I see any major progress and that I am moving right along as expected. Thanks for your continued prayers and encouragement.
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Thursday, September 20, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Cancer, Family, Hairy Cell Leukemia, HCL, Health, Personal
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Progress Continues
Wednesday and that means my weekly visit to my doctor for a blood check up and the good news continues. My white blood cells are up slightly to 1.5 from 1.1 (they need to be above 4.0 to be normal). That means I'm still susceptible to fever and infection so your continued prayers are appreciated. My hemoglobin levels were down a bit from last week, however my doctor reminded me that last weeks numbers were only a few days after a blood transfusion. She is not concerned. The really good news is my blood platelets now fall within the normal numbers (the first time in months). So, I'll head back to the doctor next Wednesday for another check up. Prayfully and hopefully things will continue to move in the right direction. I feel great and remain extremely encouraged.
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Wednesday, September 12, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Cancer, Hairy Cell Leukemia, HCL, Health, Personal
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
We Need To Remember
As painful as today must be for those who suffered such a terrible loss at the hands of terrorists, it is important that the rest of us be reminded of what took place on this date. Time has a way of distancing us from reality. The major network news shows will devote time to images of memorial services and flowers being laid, names being read and songs being sung. But although painful to watch, those news shows really should devote an almost equal amount of time to replaying images like the picture above. Not to be sensational, but rather as a sobering reminder. We do need to see those airplanes turned into torpedoes crashing into the World Trade Center, The Pentagon and a field in western Pennsylvania. We must be vividly reminded that there are those who are sadly still among us who want to wipe us off the face of the earth in the name of Allah. They openly reminds us all that they will not give up until we are destroyed.
As bold as our sworn enemy is in their relentless determination, it still amazes me that so many of my fellow Americans along with others around the world refuse to wake up to the fact that this is war for our very survival. Whether it's their unwillingness to confront the enemy head on or their belief that somehow we must engage in dialogue to learn more about each other and appreciate who we all are, it continues to baffle me how so many can be so naive about the real danger that confronts us.
That is why marking days like these and being reminded of the unspeakable horror that rained down on this nation is exactly what we need as a people. May we be reminded daily of the enemy among us. The more complacent we become as a nation, the closer we get to a time when all we've fought for, sacrificed for and died for as a people will be no more. Then it will be too late. God bless the families of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice on that bright, crisp September morning six years ago. They had no choice on that morning. We who remain have a choice to do all in our power to see such a day never again occurs on our soil.
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Tuesday, September 11, 2007 0 comments
Labels: 9/11, Patriotism, Politics
Friday, September 7, 2007
One Week Later
One week has passed since my last entry regarding my on-going health issues. Since my last post, I've visited my doctor and received some very encouraging news. My white blood count is the lowest it's been so far. While that may not sound good, it indicates that the chemo is working at killing off the bad cells. On the other hand my red blood cells have climbed the best level since the time I was told to head to the hospital back in June. The doctor told me that as the bad cells die off, it is making room for the good ones. I could still face the possibility of a fever or catching a virus in the days and weeks ahead because of my low resistance, so I appreciate your continued prayers.
My next visit to the doctor will be next week to again check my blood levels. I am feeling great and so far have had no reaction whatsoever to the treatment of last week. I give all the credit to my Lords protection throughout this ordeal.
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Friday, September 07, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Cancer, Faith, Hairy Cell Leukemia, HCL, Health, Personal