Sunday, August 12, 2007

Moving Forward

Well, the doctors have made it official. The Hospital at the University of Pa. agree that I do indeed have Hairy Cell Leukemia (HSL). So, now its time for the treatment. We're talking one week (five days straight) of Chemo. The word is that this one treatment in a vast majority of the cases will put this disease in full remission, a statistic I am very thankful for. I feel fine and am looking with anticipation at going through the treatment. I'm set to begin two Mondays from tomorrow. There are supposedly little side effects. Throughout this whole challenge, my wife and I have had such a peace about this phase in my life and the life of our family. It may sound trite, but to have the peace that the God of the universe knows all about each one of us and cares so much, makes all the difference in the world. The Bible tells us of a peace that passes all understanding and we as a family can testify to the reality of that assurance.

Later this week I want to tell you about a family party we had today for my Mom who is turning 80. It was a great time of looking back, laughing, choking on a few tears and counting our blessings. Until tomorrow.....

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