Tuesday, August 7, 2007

His Head Is In The Sand

I'm really sick and tired of hearing about former VP Al Gore and his silly global warming campaign. His latest rant is that there is very little disagreement over whether global warming actually exists and that any disagreement that is out there is created and funded almost entirely by polluters.

There are plenty of scientists around the globe who have very serious questions regarding the issue of global warming. Why aren't they being heard by the mainstream media, because there is a larger agenda here and it is a political one. I'm sure many in the global warming camp are sincere in their concern for our planet the belief that something is indeed going wacky with our climate, but they need to be exposed to the mountain of evidence that raises very serious questions about the agenda Mr. Gore and others are trying to push down the throats of the rest of us. Do a search, look for yourself and you'll find plenty of counter arguments to refute the left wing bunch. Start with this article @


Cover your ears Mr. Gore... La, La, La, La . . . I can't hear a thing. Like an ostrich with his head in the sand, don't confuse me with the facts thank you, I'd rather go on believing that we're all about to melt off the planet. By the way, isn't this the same crew that 30 years ago tried to convince us we were on the brink of an ice age? If anything is contributing to a rise in temperatures, it's all the hot air coming from the left. Or so it seems to me.