Thursday, August 30, 2007

Day Four

Feeling a little tired this evening, but I guess that is the least that can be expected. Just another all around good day of treatment. A little slow getting started this morning. My nurses told me the Chemo I am taking is flown up by courier from Florida. When I got to the treatment center they said the delivery had not yet come. After about 45 minutes to an hour it arrived and a two day supply at that, which will get me through the final day tomorrow. I asked the nurses what would have happened if it hadn't arrived, since I am on a five day consecutive treatment plan. They said they were wondering the same thing. But it all worked out. Thank the Lord.

By the time my treatment ended it was time to rush out to the blood center to get my blood drawn for testing in preparation for tomorrows transfusion, which I have to get in addition to the Chemo. It will no doubt be a long day, but I remain so grateful that this week has gone so well.

The prayers and encouragement of so many family and friends continues to mean so much. As we've said so often this week, we had prepared for the possibility of a much different week than it has been. Our God gets all the credit for the way it has turned out.

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