Monday, February 16, 2009

It Got Me Thinking

     I stumbled across a video on You Tube this morning that caused me to turn a little introspective I suppose.  The majority of the piece is made up of photographs of what we can only imagine to be family members through the years, exteriors of homes, landscapes and such. But what it brought to my mind is how brief life really is and if we are not careful, it will pass us by and we won't even realize the moments we missed.  Each of us has been given one life; no dress rehearsal.  This is the real deal and I don't know about you but I want to drink it in to its fullest with no regrets.  

      The message this weekend by Pastor Tim Chambers at Shore Fellowship was all about finding balance in life.  The truth is when you find that balance, you'll be less likely to miss what really matters. 
      It's fun to look back at photographs that mark the milestones and moments of your life.  But even more rewarding, is the ability we are given with that glance of an image to recall sounds and smells, laughter and tears as we are immediately taken in our minds eye to that moment in time. 
      A wise man by the name of Jim tells us that our life is only a vapor.  Here for a moment and then it vanishes just like the morning fog.  Jim reminds us to major on the important things in life and realize where each breath comes from to begin with.  
     Does any of this make sense to you?  I don't know; I saw this video and it just got me thinking.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Make The Call

     As I urged on my radio show audience today, contact your Senators and Congressman and express your thoughts on the stimulus package.  Although we in New Jersey already know how our representatives intend to vote,  we still need to let them know how we feel about that vote.

Did you hear that NY Senator Charles Schumer said yesterday: "The American people really don't care" in reference to all the pork in this bill.  Oh, really.  Let's show him we do.

Here are phone numbers for you to leave your comments:

Sen. Frank Lautenberg  (202) 224-3224
Sen. Robert Menendez (202) 224-4744
Representative Frank Lobiondo (202) 225-6572

Take the five minutes to voice your concerns and comments.  

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Little Lamb

     I'm awaken at 4 this morning by the soft whisper and warm breath of my 3 1/2 year old.  I'm startled at first as I opened my eyes to this little person, concerned look on her face, standing before me in her soft, polka dot sleeper.  "I can't find my lamb Daddy."  "Let's go look.  I'll find it for you," as I stumbled out of bed and followed down the hall.  

     There it was right under her bed where it fell.  (She had made a point to tell me earlier as I said good night that tonight she was going to snuggle her little lamb.)  Now, as I handed her this tiny stuffed animal she looked up at me, "Thanks", she whispered as I tucked her in.  "Night, Daddy... don't let the bed bugs bite."  She smiled and closed her eyes.  
     As I walked out of her room, down the hall and back to bed the parable of the lost sheep came to mind.  Jesus tells the story of the shepherd who had a hundred sheep and one of them got lost.  He says when that happened, didn't the shepherd leave the ninety-nine and go look for the one.  And when he found it, he returned and rejoiced.  Jesus goes on to tell us that that is how God looks on us when we who are lost come to Him.  
     Even in the middle of the night, startled out of a sound sleep, how could I as a father not respond to my little girl who's little lamb was missing.  In the same way, our heavenly Father is ready to respond.  All He is waiting for is for us to come to Him and share our concerns and burdens.  
     As my head hit the pillow, I smiled to myself as I thought of how much comfort I brought my child.  God wants to do the same for each one of us if we'll let Him.   I hope that thought comforts you today.