Ever since this issue erupted with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Fox News Contributor Bob Beckel keeps asking the same stupid question which ironically he thinks is so clever..... and he did it again tonight on Hannity and Colmes. He asked should every child who attends Wrights church be denied a right to run for President of The United States? He asks the question with a real
"gotcha" kind of tone in his voice as if to say... Ah, see...what do you say to that, huh, huh? The answer is simple Bob. Of course a child attending Wrights church has a right to run for President. The big difference is Barrack Obama is an ADULT sitting under the hateful, incendiary speech of this man; an adult Bob! He needs to be held accountable for his judgement as an ADULT who wants to be Commander In Chief... not a CHILD who may or may not have a choice as to where he or she attends worship services. Please Bob, p-l-e-a-s-e find a new "gotcha" question to ask. You can do a lot better.
Side-note: Obama said today in a speech that he finds it hard to understand how the media and others keep taking a few comments and repeating them and not looking at the three sermons Rev. Wright preached every week for 20 years. That still doesn't discount what he did say. I don't care what else he said in the 20 years. Amazing to me how now many in the media are doing nothing but praising Barrack Obama for his speech last week addressing race as the man who dares to take on the issue and attempt to move this country forward. How does a man who sat under hate, race baiting and anti-American, anti-Christian speech suddenly become the "champion" of moving us forward. Sick logic that makes no sense to me. How about you.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Bob Beckel Asks Stupid Question and More
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Wednesday, March 26, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Democrats, Ideology, Language, Political Correctness, Politics, Presidential Race
Returning To WOND
Beginning next Monday, The Jeff Whitaker Show returns to WOND. Looking forward to getting back to the airwaves of Southern New Jersey. My show which was cancelled over two years ago will return this time from 6 to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursdays in the Atlantic City, NJ radio market. No real surprises this time around. The show will basically follow the same format which moved it the number one time slot from 3-4. We'll talk breaking news of the day, politics - local and national, social concerns, authors and an occasional offbeat guest, plus plenty of input from listeners. I hope you'll return, if you were a listener before and give us a try if you never had a chance to catch me the first time around.
I'm still going to blog, still add the podcasts and blogtalkradio worldwide. This is just another exciting opportunity to reach an even larger audience. See you Monday evening.
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Wednesday, March 26, 2008 1 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Audacity of Obama's Hypocracy - Part 2
Who said the following of talk show host Don Imus one year ago? "...But I would also say that there's nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude." ANSWER: The man from Illinois who would be President of the United States. Oh, how quickly he backs down in his strong stance. Sure Barrack Obama delivered a flowery speech this week condemning the remarks of his former "pastor". But last year when Don Imus, (who makes a living out of sarcasm and quick wit, tongue and cheek monologue) spoke out of line, Senator Obama refused to give him a pass and called for his immediate firing saying, "He (Imus) didn't just cross the line, he fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America." If that is an accurate characterization of Don Imus, what in the world can be said of the series of incendiary comments by Jeremiah Wright.
It's not just the Jeremiah Wright comments. Now World Net Daily is reporting that Wrights church, (Barrack Obama's church) reprinted a manifesto by Hamas that defended terrorism as legitimate resistance, refused to recognize the right of Israel to exist and compared the terror group's official charter which calls for the murder of Jews to America's Declaration of Independence.
Where will it all stop? How much more does the American voter needs to know before we collectively say, enough is enough?
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Saturday, March 22, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Bias, Culture, Democrats, Ideology, news, Political Correctness, Politics, Presidential Race, Terrorism
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The Audacity of Obama's Hypocrisy
So now when the heat is on, Barack Obama denounces the words of his pastor of 20 years, the man who married he and his wife, baptized his daughters and preached in the pulpit that Obama has called his home church. Is Obama responsible for the comments of his pastor? Of course not. But I can't imagine why you would attend a church, consider someone a close friend and give to the ministry of someone who preaches hate, racism and division. Tonight on Fox News, Barack Obama said he was unaware of many of the comments made by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright until the last couple of days. This raises a lot of questions not the least of which is how anyone could on one hand be so close to someone (Rev. Wright) who is Obama's own words was like "an uncle to me", and on the other hand not know he held these extreme views. That doesn't say a whole lot for the judgment of the man who would be our next President. This whole issue answers other questions raised in the last couple of weeks. Hearing these statements by the Rev. Wright makes it much easier to understand where Michelle Obama has developed her beliefs about the United States of America considering she sat under the ministry of Wright.
Recently, Barack Obama delivered a stump speech where he touted the famous words of Dr. Martin Luther King, and words of the Declaration of Independence and other inspiring quotes followed by the rhetorical question, "Just Words"? Obama hammered home the ascertation that words are powerful and have meaning.
You're right about that Mr. Obama. In light of the recent revelations, my question to you is, Rev. Jeremiah Wrights sermons and messages, just words? If this had been any other candidate other than Obama he or she would have had to resign quicker than you can shake a stick. The fact that Barack Obama is still in this race is THE AUDACITY OF HYPOCRISY!
Posted by Jeff Whitaker at Saturday, March 15, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Bias, Democrats, Ideology, news, Patriotism, Political Correctness, Politics, Presidential Race