Monday, February 11, 2008

New Internet Radio Show

     I hope you'll join in the two way talk or at the very least listen in beginning tonight at 11 p.m. eastern.  I'm starting my new Jeff Whitaker Show over the web using the services of BlogtalkRadio  My show, for now will air Tuesdays evenings from  11 to 11:30 p.m.   The call in number for you to join in is (347) 215-8755.    

     My guest tomorrow night will be former New York Congressman John LeBoutillier.  We'll talk all about tomorrows primary results.  

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Bucket List

     My wife and I saw "The Bucket List" this past weekend and we both came away counting our blessings.  Our brush with cancer this past Summer in a way that is hard to explain has been a gift as opposed to a curse.  When you are faced with your own mortality,  you are given a new appreciation for each day.     

     In "The Bucket List", two men (played by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman) from two vastly different worlds are confronted with the ravages of cancer and brevity of life.  They both determine to pursue a list of  places they want to see, emotions they want to internalize and things they want to do before they "kick the bucket".  While it's unlikely the  scenario would ever take place, the overriding message is one we can all learn from.  
    The New Testament Apostle James said that our life is but a vapor.  Here one moment and gone the next.  We would all do well to remember that and determine to make the very most of each breath we are given.  Being diagnosed with Leukemia (seemingly out of the blue) actually has increased my faith, drew our family closer and gave us all a much keener appreciation for the healthy days we are given.  We now have much more compassion and care for those who are going through their own struggles whether health related or otherwise.  It's hard to explain what an experience like this will do for you and through you.
     I encourage you to see "The Bucket List".  Introspection is good for the soul.  
     Carpe Diem!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

A Mothers Advise

     So I'm reading today that John McCains mother says when it comes to her sons electability, some in the Republican Party will just have to "hold their noses" and vote for her son.  Gee, thanks Mom!  What that points out to me is that even she realizes her son doesn't appeal to a lot of the GOP despite his increasing reference to the Reagan Revolution and pandering to the Right.  Strange how so many  main -stream media pundits refer to McCains broad appeal.  Too many people are discounting the base support needed to take McCain to victory.  Without the core Conservative base of the party, it's going to be rough ride.   Over 200 million people in this great US of A and we can't come up with more dynamic, qualified candidates for the office of President.  The shame is Mrs. McCain might be right.  Only a lot of voters might hold their nose with both hands leaving no way to pull the lever.  So they'll just stay home on election day!